Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Anarchist Bookfair

Just got confirmation that "look mum!" will be at the Montreal Anarchist Bookfair on May 24 & 25 this year. We will be tabling both days and will blog more details as they get sent out. In the mean time check out my pals that will also be tabling that week end:

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Find us on Saturday!

This Saturday "Look Mum!" distro will be selling its wears at the Kazoo Print Expo. Along with our regular zine selections we will also have a few other printerly treats to share with you, like earings made from shrinkiny-dink plastic which I printed lino cut beer cans, kitty cats & cassette tapes on then shrunk.... super hip! There with also be, lino cut stickers and postcards, so come see "Look Mum!"distro 11am to 3pm at Mitchell Hall (99 Woolwich St.). Mitchell Hall is a physically accessible space.