Sunday, August 30, 2015

Oct 17th in Toronto, be there!

Come to Toronto on Oct 17th! Not only will you find 'LookMum!' at the AGO for CanZine 2015 (free entry btw!) but you can stroll over to the Queer Zine Fair  happening on the same day! WOW!
Look Mum! just signed up for CanZine this year, or at least I think I did, it was only a little confusing. Click on the posters above and below  to link to the web sites for each event!

Saturday, August 22, 2015

AJ's Zines

In early July AJ participated in their last tabling event. Retiring form tabling AJ passed on a pile of their zines: If I Can't Dance is it Still My Revolution. I have copies of 1, 2, 4 & 5 click on the tab above to see the covers and contact me or find me at my next tabling event (Canzine on Oct 17th) for copies!

Thursday, August 13, 2015

New postcards

new postcards are in circulation. featuring my kitty-kins: Alabama and my personal zine shelf. if you want some send a note and I'll send you a few. Our find me at the next event I table at.