Tuesday, December 13, 2016

A Distro At Home

Maybe you never wondered but this is what a zine distro looks like at home. I just finished organizing it after two long months of events. Next year watch for an updated paper catalogue and more posts on Insta about #zines. New zines and buttons have been added to the Sex Work and Miscellania sections, have a look!

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Hamilton Feminist Zine Fair

Look Mum! will be at the Hamilton Feminist Zine Fair this Saturday Nov 5th. come find the table 11am till 5 pm at the Central Hamilton Public Library! See you there!  here is the fb link:

Monday, October 10, 2016


I have finally opened a shop for some of my zines and art, you won't find all of the titles from the distro there just yet, but I am working on that! have a look!


Monday, October 3, 2016

Fall Night Market

Hey folks! Look Mum! zine distro will be at the next Guelph Night Market on Firday, November 4th at the Red Chevron Club here in Guelph, at 34 Elizabeth Street (Bus Route: 14 Grange). It is an accessible location with a chair lift (wooot!) and I think it is a LLBO licensed venue. its from 7pm till 11 pm and it's $2 to get in with an optional donation of: Warm winter socks for the Abbeyfield drop in. At the table I'll have a sample of the distro and some new art made by me: e.war
and if yer interested check out my new creative website: www.erinwar.xyz  to see more of my personal art, zines and designs.

and here is your precious FB link: https://www.facebook.com/events/1056678794400775/

Monday, June 13, 2016

Crafternoon Flea

hey folks! Im gonna be tabling at the first Crafternoon flea at the Alice Street Club House at 49 Alice street here in Guelph from 1pm till 5pm! I'll have some of the old favourites and some new patches and new buttons. yay! see ya there!
here's the facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/events/1739526922994862/

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Look Mum! will be at the Out In Space: KW Queer Zine Fair! Its at the  Kitchener Public Library located at 85 Queen Street N. from Noon till around 5pm. (FB link below) See ya there!

we'll be there with the full distro plus some kick ass poster art like the one pictured above and sweet back patches


Thursday, March 17, 2016

Vid about Zines!

Byron and I made a zine about zines! Check check check it out!!!


So like I said I'd give you more information when I got it. The Kazoo print expo will be happening on April 9th 11am till 4 pm it will be at Central Public School (97 Dublin St N). It is a wheelchair Accessible venue and it will be Free admission (sweet!). Look Mum! will be there with a full distro plus all the new stuff we have been creating! check it out, PS the flyer for the expo was printed by our pals Alice and Emma at Stubbs Letter Press, cool.

Saturday, March 5, 2016


Hey Pals! Its that time of year again. You can find Look Mum! distro at the Kazoo PrintExpo on April 9th! I'll fill in more details as I get them. But we'll have new stickers, art prints, back patches, and of course zines!!!!!!