Saturday, April 4, 2020

During the #quaranzinefest "look mum!" zine distro will be offering free zines and shipping (within CAN/US) when you donate to one of the causes currently fundraising in its hometown Hamilton, Ontario.

  1. Pick out up to 4 zines (list 2 alternatives, stock is limited) from our website, 
  2. Donate from $5 up to $50 or more to one of the 3 causes listed below and 
  3. Email your choices and your shipping address and a screenshot of your donation.

Choose from these fundraisers:

Thursday, April 2, 2020


Hey all!

The folks at isPRESS have come up with a great idea for us zinesters to still show off our work and spread our words during this confusing and isolating time. Fellow zinesters will be posting their work with the hashtag: #quaranzinefest on all the social media platforms for you to browse from the safety and comfort of yer own home. You will find most of Look Mum!'s stuff on instagram with a few cross posts on twitter. There will also be a special fundraiser for local Hamilton causes announced here on Saturday April 4th, so stay tuned.
isPRESS has also set up free online workshops and other zine related events for Sunday April 5th like a real live zinefair!

For a schedule of events and tips on how to navigate this online event visit the official Quaranzine website!